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- New Ward Al Makassed Branch Opens in Mar Elias

New Ward Al Makassed Branch Opens in Mar Elias
Makassed inaugurated the new branch of Ward Al Makassed Center in Makassed Center in Mar Elias, where sweets, chocolate and handicrafts produced by the Center’s women trainees are sold to help those women acquire financial independence.
In 2014, Makassed established Ward Al Makassed Center, one of the first social development center in the impoverished area of Tarik El Jadidah in a bid to provide job opportunities, eradicate illiteracy, and offer youth and women targeted and accelerated education and vocational training.
The center seeks to build the capabilities of young people and marginalized women by training them free of charge to gain practical experience in various professional sectors, to provide them with the necessary skills to keep pace with the requirements of the labor market.